Fuld af kærlighed d. 27. juni 2024, 11:10:32 – 11:12:39

Det håber jeg
Du drømmer at jeg er en skov
Det snurrer i hjerterødderne
Alt hvad jeg vil
Du drømmer at jeg er en skov
Vil vi få tiden til at gå?
Alt hvad jeg vil
Vi står ikke i lort til halsen
Vil vi få tiden til at gå?
Du opfatter
Vi står ikke i lort til halsen
Du opfatter
Det snurrer i hjerterødderne
Det håber jeg

I am full of questions, June 19, 2024, 10:13:33 – 10:15:45

Water creates mirrors for people
The coagulated human
I could grow, divide, conquer
They come out of their eggs
The coagulated human
I don’t know much about the landscape
They come out of their eggs
Dream of tucking me in
I don’t know much about the landscape
Hermaphroditic social structures
Dream of tucking me in
Hermaphroditic social structures
I could grow, divide, conquer
Water creates mirrors for people