Ulykkelig skæbne d. 29. april 2019, 09:07:35 – 09:08:23

Vinteren føltes lang. Du kan stadig fremkalde og nyde følelsen for dig selv sådan lidt i al hemmelighed. Du synes egentlig, at du har meget at tænke på. Lidt stolthed er på sin plads.
Du kan stadig mærke en lille, ikke ubehagelig, følelse af skadefryd i kroppen. Helt bestemt. Du er ikke rigtigt i tvivl.
Misundelse har du da følt af og til. Du var vist temmelig forvirret.

Ulykkelig skæbne d. 29. april 2019, 09:06:10 – 09:06:51

Og det kan faktisk være svært at have det sådan. Særligt én oplevelse har rørt dig for nylig. Du kunne måske godt gøre rent en smule oftere. Du kan godt komme i tvivl, om du får børstet tænder hver dag. Selv tilværelsens lejlighedsvise knubs og genvordigheder kan for tiden ikke skubbe dig ud af balance.
Du bekymrer dig meget om dine kære, og denne bekymring overskygger i perioder andre mere lette følelser.

Lykkelig skæbne d. 24. april 2019, 14:09:49 – 14:10:21

Du har først erkendt det for nylig. Og det kan faktisk være svært at have det sådan. En interessant avisartikel venter lige om hjørnet.

Dig får man ikke sådan lige ned med nakken. Modløshed er en naturlig følelse her.
Du vil udvikle et særligt forhold til folkedans.
Andre bliver ofte inspirerede af dig. Får du nok anerkendelse? I løbet af det næste år vil du få en ny hue.

I am full of hate, April 10, 2019, 15:31:48 – 15:32:43

How else am I supposed to hate?
Cars headlight through the city
And I’ll tell you:
Am I sweet?
Cars headlight through the city
Let me be your fancy bag lady
Am I sweet?
Is it the size that is the matter?
Let me be your fancy bag lady
And there we sit for a thousand years
Is it the size that is the matter?
And there we sit for a thousand years
And I’ll tell you:
How else am I supposed to hate?

I am full of questions, April 9, 2019, 16:37:59 – 16:39:12

Like being absolutely able
Because nothing stinks
You carve us into the bark of a tree
I must walk around bright with stench
Because nothing stinks
Is it necessary to hate yourself?
I must walk around bright with stench
Worms in my bones
Is it necessary to hate yourself?
I need love
Worms in my bones
I need love
You carve us into the bark of a tree
Like being absolutely able

I am full of love, April 1, 2019, 13:28:57 – 13:30:00

Wouldn’t you like to know?
All of you must go around
I could grow, divide, conquer
Good for me
All of you must go around
Water must avenge everything
Good for me
It is not unfriendly
Water must avenge everything
This must not be erased
It is not unfriendly
This must not be erased
I could grow, divide, conquer
Wouldn’t you like to know?

I am full of love, April 1, 2019, 13:15:23 – 13:16:51

Can you help me?
Nakedness doesn’t sit in our longings
That one dream becomes another
It is you that I kill
Nakedness doesn’t sit in our longings
The dead appear on my surface
It is you that I kill
I’ll use everything as a microphone!
The dead appear on my surface
If it were an animal
I’ll use everything as a microphone!
If it were an animal
That one dream becomes another
Can you help me?

I am full of hate, March 28, 2019, 10:07:47 – 10:08:41

It has taken 1000 years inside
I must be true to the unknown
Whether you can look at your reflection?
If you’re the victim I’m the executioner
I must be true to the unknown
Dream of me as a pictogram
If you’re the victim I’m the executioner
I’m an old asshole
Dream of me as a pictogram
What’s behind the picture?
I’m an old asshole
What’s behind the picture?
Whether you can look at your reflection?
It has taken 1000 years inside

I am full of love, March 28, 2019, 07:46:03 – 07:46:40

The goal is to find the center
Do you want me to leave?
I will cause a stir with my remarks
Let me be your fancy bag lady
Do you want me to leave?
I am an adult human being
Let me be your fancy bag lady
That one dream becomes another
I am an adult human being
Your old shit
That one dream becomes another
Your old shit
I will cause a stir with my remarks
The goal is to find the center

Fuld af had d. 26. februar 2019, 10:21:23 – 10:22:57

Den tunnel der går fra issen og ned
At finde den køligste vinkel
Jeg eksploderer indeni
Du griber til våben prompte
At finde den køligste vinkel
Jeg stryger hen over det du mangler
Du griber til våben prompte
Jeg vil mangle C-vitamin
Jeg stryger hen over det du mangler
At føre samtaler med sig selv
Jeg vil mangle C-vitamin
At føre samtaler med sig selv
Jeg eksploderer indeni
Den tunnel der går fra issen og ned

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